Custom Query (678 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (476 - 500 of 678)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3517 Public IP seen and error new bug critical needs verified
#3523 Pyhon 3.9.2 error in log files new bug critical needs verified
#3249 Queued! new bug minor needs verified
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog new feature-request trivial 2.x
#3557 queue values strangely applied new bug minor needs verified
#3588 Randomly cannot change priority of individual files in active torrent new bug minor needs verified
#3589 Randomly cannot change priority of individual files in active torrent new bug minor needs verified
#3614 Randomly Loose all Torrent new bug minor 2.1.1
#3615 Randomly Lose all Torrent new bug minor 2.1.1
#3163 Read Cache size new bug major needs verified
#3125 Read file with patch to save space new feature-request minor needs verified
#3223 recently path support for move (and new) new feature-request minor needs verified
#3144 Recheck does not consider completion move directory new bug minor needs verified
#3268 Release checklist update and fix unlinked URL new bug minor 2.0.6
#623 Remember sorting column used for each label new andar feature-request trivial Future
#3111 remote deluged instance with bad connectivity causes "<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'gtk.TreeIter' object has no attribute '__getitem__'" new bug minor needs verified
#2041 remove empty folders due to content_filename move new feature-request minor Future
#3524 Remove google-analytics new feature-request minor needs verified
#3493 Remove "six" dependency new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#967 Remove/stop torrent after x time seeding reopened andar feature-request minor
#2158 remove torrent and data based on seed time and ratio new plugin-request minor Future
#2503 "Remove Torrent" doesn't remove "not downloaded" files new feature-request minor Future
#3289 Remove Torrent Removes Associated .tor new feature-request minor needs verified
#3222 "Remove torrent when share ratio is reached" not working new bug minor needs verified
#2063 Removing extra files new feature-request minor Future
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.