Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (151 - 175 of 678)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3301 "deluge-console rm" argument confusion new bug minor needs verified
#3347 Deluge-console traceback at launch new bug minor 2.1.1
#3141 Deluge crashes assigned zhoid99 bug minor needs verified
#3048 Deluge crashes on large torrent new bug major not applicable
#2876 Deluge Crashes randomly new bug critical not applicable
#3372 Deluge crashes (removing gtk3ui_state helps) new bug minor needs verified
#3480 Deluge crashes when removing a torrent new bug major needs verified
#2898 deluged-1.3.13/libtorrent-1.1.0 messes up torrent directory names new bug minor not applicable
#3437 Deluged Crashes on Startup post python3-libtorrent 1.2.10_git20201018 new bug minor needs verified
#3591 deluged crashes upon addition of multiple torrents new bug minor needs verified
#3434 deluged doesn't work with bridge new bug major needs verified
#3102 Deluge deletes trackers new bug minor needs verified
#3565 deluged hangs spamming logs with "Logging.findCaller() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given" new bug critical needs verified
#3564 deluged is using 100% new bug minor needs verified
#3621 deluged ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zope' new bug minor needs verified
#3373 Deluge doesn't quit new bug minor needs verified
#3088 deluged pauses torrents randomly new bug trivial 2.1.1
#3511 deluged server doesnt start ubuntu 18.04.06 new bug critical needs verified
#1360 deluged should announce itself over zeroconf new feature-request major Future
#3182 Deluged start with existing lock file crashes local network new bug major needs verified
#3074 Deluged stopped working on debian, "FFI object has no attribute 'new_allocator'" new bug major needs verified
#3451 Deluge error on macOS: File open error - operation not supported new bug critical needs verified
#3468 deluge flatpak bug - mouse pointer not changing share for widget resize new bug minor not applicable
#3467 deluge flatpak bug - open download folder not working new bug minor needs verified
#2883 deluge gets stuck when starting pending bug minor needs verified
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.