Custom Query (472 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 472)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#856 Torrents sharing same folder name issue new andar bug not applicable libtorrent
#884 Deluge (libtorrent) leaves UPnP ports open reopened andar bug not applicable libtorrent
#1051 Installation of an incompatible plugin generates no error new andar bug Future GTK UI
#1215 No prompt if client disconnected from server when torrent added new bug 2.x GTK UI
#1241 Upload Speed Down when create torrent file new bug not applicable libtorrent
#1257 Add resource pre-loading new Damien Churchill bug 2.x Web UI
#1326 GTK interface wider than screen with large font size or high DPI new bug 2.x GTK UI
#1453 If binding to specified network adress fails, daemon defaults back to new bug 2.1.1 libtorrent
#1600 When moving a torrent to a sub folder, it starts copying in a loop new bug not applicable libtorrent
#1931 No warning when binding to configured listening port fails new bug 2.x GTK UI
#1978 Unhandled console login error new bug 2.x Console UI
#1999 WebUI uses 100% CPU loading TorrentInfo for thousands of files new Damien Churchill bug performance Web UI
#2070 Webui spinners not validating user entries new Damien Churchill bug 2.x Web UI
#2102 [win32] Restoring maximized window from tray is no longer maximized accepted Calum bug not applicable GTK UI
#2124 Adding columns to webgui on ios doesn't always work new Damien Churchill bug Future Web UI
#2126 Display issue in console and gtk with torrent non-ascii chars on FreeBSD new bug not applicable Console UI
#2154 "copy of .torrent" there is no error when specified location is unavailable new bug 2.x Core
#2167 Newer version eggs of supplied plugins not overriding old version on Ubuntu new bug 2.x Plugin
#2191 Renaming files issue when adding a torrent new bug needs verified Core
#2209 [BlockList] blocklist ignored on startup assigned bug Future Core
#2243 parse hostname new bug 2.x Unknown
#2313 the "Test Active Port" functionality doesn't honor listen_interface parameter new bug Future Core
#2330 Deluge uses 10-30% CPU when idle on Windows in classic mode new bug 2.x GTK UI
#2331 "Total active" torrents limit in prefs does not ignore slow or inactive torrents with "Do not count slow torrents" checked new bug not applicable libtorrent
#2339 logging is incomplete and inconsistent in the web UI back-end new bug 2.x Web UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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