Custom Query (473 matches)


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Results (251 - 275 of 473)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#3483 j and k (vim-style cursor down/up) mappings are upside-down in deluge-console new bug 2.1.1 Console UI
#3142 Issues when APPDATA path is using Æ new bug needs verified GTK UI
#1286 IPv6 Preference Needed new feature-request not applicable libtorrent
#2984 IPv6 parameter not sent to tracker new bug needs verified libtorrent
#3417 IPv6 missing in deluge2/lt-1.2.x. new bug needs verified Unknown
#1130 IPv6 Interfaces support (daemon,webui,gtk) new feature-request Future Core
#3225 Invisible/hidden torrent new feature-request needs verified Unknown
#3321 Invalid continuation byte new bug needs verified Web UI
#3175 Interface glitch when scrolling fast new bug needs verified GTK UI
#3612 'Install-plugin' broken in web-UI new bug needs verified Web UI
#1051 Installation of an incompatible plugin generates no error new andar bug Future GTK UI
#3415 In/out interface binding issue. new bug needs verified Unknown
#3389 Individually query torrents to top or bottom new feature-request Unknown
#3045 Increase issue report attachement max size new bug not applicable Unknown
#3599 Inconsistent Folder/Title Issue in Deluge to Sonarr new bug 2.1.1 Unknown
#2749 improve input for seeding relation new bug 2.x Web UI
#3494 improved usability for thin client with intermittent connection to daemon new feature-request needs verified Unknown
#2917 Improve console sidebar display and actions new feature-request 2.1.1 Console UI
#2916 Improve Console help dialog new bug 2.1.1 Console UI
#1950 Improve appearance on small screens new Damien Churchill feature-request Future Web UI
#2877 import site cookie new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#3426 Implement support for IPv6 only networks new feature-request needs verified Unknown
#1453 If binding to specified network adress fails, daemon defaults back to new bug 2.1.1 libtorrent
#3616 HTTP Connect should use tracker domains instead of IP new bug needs verified libtorrent
#2859 How do I increase UI font size? new bug needs verified Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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