Custom Query (472 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 472)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#2341 [win32] Problems installing/enabling plugins with non-ascii username reopened bug 2.x GTK UI
#2343 preferences: network: incoming port reopened bug 1.3.7 Core
#2350 When re-adding the same torrent, deluge restarts it from zero if you use separate DOWNLOADING and COMPLETED folders new bug Future Core
#2377 Seed ratio not respected new bug needs verified Core
#2386 [GTK][win32] Empty value fields on Japanese locale new bug not applicable GTK UI
#2420 OSX users unable to open magnet links new bug not applicable GTK UI
#2438 all torrents for a single tracker give "Error: short read" new bug not applicable libtorrent
#2457 Peer connections dropped when seeding new bug not applicable libtorrent
#2484 [Blocklist] Whitelist error when saving and blocklist not initialized new bug 2.x Plugin
#2501 Deluge opens on the wrong screen in a multiscreen setup under OSX. new bug needs verified GTK UI
#2509 GTK-GUI/Core ignore Torrent-Connection-Limit sets under 10 new bug needs verified Unknown
#2638 Windows: Multiscreen to Single Screen - Deluge Rendered Off-Screen new bug needs verified Unknown
#2671 deluge changes window position on several monitors system new bug needs verified Unknown
#2679 Proxy unable to connect after hours of inactivity new bug not applicable libtorrent
#2706 [Execute] Potential issue when removing torrent with data new bug 2.1.1 Plugin
#2749 improve input for seeding relation new bug 2.x Web UI
#2776 Un-clickable buttons on Windows GTKUI new bug not applicable GTK UI
#2778 Thin client disconnects from daemon new bug needs verified Unknown
#2788 Excess "Password Protected " windows pops-up when software was relaunched from minimized new bug needs verified GTK UI
#2792 Execute fails to load/find file new bug needs verified Unknown
#2820 Zero-size files in torrents incorrectly handled during rechecks new bug not applicable libtorrent
#2823 Maximize Problem new bug needs verified GTK UI
#2830 No Error Message When Download Directory Lacks Write Permissoin new bug needs verified Unknown
#2835 Downloading Target With Same Name Corrupts Target new bug needs verified Core
#2840 renaming files doesn't check for name collisions within the torrent new bug needs verified Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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