Custom Query (53 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 53)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#2669 file association not set with two user accounts in win7 64 bit new bug 2.1.1 GTK UI
#2910 Noticable delay between loading torrentview and sidebar upon startup new bug 2.1.1 GTK UI
#3088 deluged pauses torrents randomly new bug 2.1.1 libtorrent
#367 Do not store per-torrent settings that are saved in the resume data new andar feature-request 2.x Core
#676 Add tooltips for torrents in the main frame new andar feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#851 Labels can only be lowercase accepted Damien Churchill patch 2.x Plugin
#1108 Abstract unlimited speed setting new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#1327 Add option to New Release notification to ignore Beta or RC versions accepted John Garland feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#1458 Options to (un)check all files and set file priorites in Add Torrent Dialog new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#1899 Show an error if disk space runs out new bug 2.x Core
#1913 pid file created by deluged in config is non-standard new bug 2.x Core
#2090 json api get_hosts returns status Offline for all hosts new Damien Churchill bug 2.x Web UI
#2170 WebUI generates AttributeError when reconnected to daemon new Damien Churchill bug 2.x Web UI
#2234 Folllow freedesktop specs for files created/stored by Deluge new bug 2.x Core
#2236 Disabling plugin with filter in webui generates errors new bug 2.x Web UI
#2239 Plugins without webui pages generate a typeerror new Damien Churchill bug 2.x Web UI
#2334 Add option to GTK UI to startup application with OS new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#2810 combined view for downloading and active torrents new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#2959 Language selection in WebUI affects GTKUI new bug 2.x GTK UI
#2974 Open connection manager in WebUI new bug 2.x Core
#3004 systemd services logging to journald new feature-request 2.x Packaging
#3012 Consistent button position on Windows new bug 2.x GTK UI
#3052 Further improvements for icons new feature-request 2.x GTK UI
#3179 Windows: Disconnecting 2nd display doesn't update gtkui.conf with usable x position new bug 2.x GTK UI
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