Custom Query (414 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#3643 Thin-Client connection manager retry password prompt failure new minor GTK UI
#3642 Latent and missing keys in torrent_status and update_ui API/method returns new major needs verified Core
#3641 Error Downloading to Some Directories Windows new minor Future GTK UI
#3638 Crash when starting Deluge new major 2.1.1 Unknown
#3637 WebUI should not ask for password when it is null new minor needs verified Web UI
#3635 [WebUI] language not changing when chaning to system default new minor 2.1.2 Web UI
#3630 New (active) goes to the "Paused" list new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3629 Zero-length files not accepted new minor needs verified Core
#3628 GUI window Control Buttons dissappear new minor 2.1.1 GTK UI
#3627 Block List Wont Remember new minor needs verified Unknown
#3626 [Blocklist] "Session paused always" issue. new minor needs verified Plugin
#3625 Deluge-gtk crashes when selecting or moving folder new blocker needs verified GTK UI
#3622 Tray password bug. new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3621 deluged ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zope' new minor needs verified Unknown
#3620 attempt to remove torrent that is currently moved to new destination results in UI hang new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3619 [Web API] Empty response adding a duplicate torrent new minor needs verified Web UI
#3618 File-priority 'skip' sometimes ignored. new minor needs verified Core
#3617 Webui password is reset when storage containing web.conf is full new minor needs verified Unknown
#3616 HTTP Connect should use tracker domains instead of IP new minor needs verified libtorrent
#3615 Randomly Lose all Torrent new minor 2.1.1 Unknown
#3614 Randomly Loose all Torrent new minor 2.1.1 Unknown
#3613 password asked after upgrade to 2.1.2.dev0 new major needs verified Core
#3612 'Install-plugin' broken in web-UI new minor needs verified Web UI
#3611 v2.1.1 not allowing new torrent to be saved new major needs verified Web UI
#3608 Torrents come up in "paused" state after restart new minor needs verified Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.