Custom Query (414 matches)


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Results (226 - 250 of 414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#3290 artificial bandwidth limit if max_download_speed set to -1.0 new minor needs verified Core
#3293 Torrents won't seed. new critical needs verified Core
#3299 gtkui - spin_share_ratio min clamps to 0.5, should be 0.0 new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3300 Move Download Folder triggers recheck even if the new folder is the same as the old one new minor needs verified Core
#3301 "deluge-console rm" argument confusion new minor needs verified Unknown
#3304 Autoadd downloads to the wrong folder new major needs verified Plugin
#3305 little space for folder selection new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3306 deluge-gtk mem leak new major needs verified GTK UI
#3307 Deluge-gtk crashes upon connection/general protection fault new major needs verified GTK UI
#3311 Deluge stops with proxy set new major needs verified Unknown
#3312 Prefetch-metadata fails on GTKUI thin-client. new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3314 Daemons don't background themselves on Windows. new minor needs verified Core
#3321 Invalid continuation byte new minor needs verified Web UI
#3323 Daemon crashes when trying to remove torrent new minor needs verified Core
#3332 Menu shortcuts on mac. new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3335 finished seeding torrents only removed when UI is activated new minor needs verified Unknown
#3336 Only n<7 torrents ever seed at the same time. new major needs verified Core
#3338 Erorr while adding many torrents new minor needs verified Web UI
#3344 network interface bind, wildcard new minor needs verified Core
#3349 get_clipboard_text:TypeError new minor needs verified Unknown
#3354 Consider fixing PPA version new minor needs verified Packaging
#3355 Torrent Preview On Magnet Links & Tracker Management new major needs verified Unknown
#3356 [deluge-console] move command takes over terminal new major needs verified Console UI
#3357 get_torrents_status does not return plugin keys new minor needs verified Core
#3359 Can't register for the forum new minor needs verified Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.