Custom Query (414 matches)


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Results (251 - 275 of 414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#2792 Execute fails to load/find file new minor needs verified Unknown
#2830 No Error Message When Download Directory Lacks Write Permissoin new minor needs verified Unknown
#2833 multiple torrents with overlapping folder structures lose incomplete files when 1st torrent completes new major needs verified Unknown
#2840 renaming files doesn't check for name collisions within the torrent new minor needs verified Unknown
#2859 How do I increase UI font size? new minor needs verified Unknown
#2893 Global upload bandwidth limit ignored when using SOCKS5 proxy new minor needs verified Unknown
#2955 File/protocol association fails with non-default client data path new major needs verified Unknown
#2963 Opening ports but refusing to use. new major needs verified Unknown
#2975 Don't open connections to web seeds when not downloading new minor needs verified Unknown
#2982 Seeding ratio doesn't take into account what it should new minor needs verified Unknown
#3016 Attempting to open a deleted torrent file from Firefox causes GUI lockup by dialog box spamming. new minor needs verified Unknown
#3023 Deluge Multi-Localuser new minor needs verified Unknown
#3026 System slowdown new Molcos74 major needs verified Unknown
#3028 Moving torrent corrupts torrent pieces new minor needs verified Unknown
#3030 All torrents are paused new minor needs verified Unknown
#3045 Increase issue report attachement max size new minor not applicable Unknown
#3092 Web GUI disconnection from daemon during torrent removal new major needs verified Unknown
#3094 Moving files to a folder removes files if they have been moved to the same folder earlier new major 2.x Unknown
#3096 TCP connections are left in FIN_WAIT_2 state new minor needs verified Unknown
#3102 Deluge deletes trackers new minor needs verified Unknown
#3103 Force Recheck doesn't recheck for new files new minor needs verified Unknown
#3108 Adding torrent with certain filenames crashes client new minor needs verified Unknown
#3116 Adding parentheses to root folder name doesn't update title new critical needs verified Unknown
#3120 files in complete directory ignored during re-check new minor needs verified Unknown
#3123 Extractor plug-in will not select new minor needs verified Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.