Custom Query (231 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 231)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#3174 [Plugin Autoadd] Option to autoadd in subfolders with the torrents for seed new minor Plugin
#3389 Individually query torrents to top or bottom new minor Unknown
#967 Remove/stop torrent after x time seeding reopened andar minor Plugin
#2215 100% CPU utilization more 200+ torrents new Damien Churchill minor performance Core
#668 Port mappings not reopened when lost new andar trivial not applicable libtorrent
#1286 IPv6 Preference Needed new minor not applicable libtorrent
#3155 [Security] [Feature request] Use HTTPS for Deluge binaries, source, and web registration page new major not applicable Packaging
#3178 Terrfic app new minor not applicable Unknown
#3229 functionality request: Edit Trackers new minor not applicable Core
#860 Sound notification with mp3/ogg files new andar minor needs verified GTK UI
#2862 Merge private trackers if same domain name new minor needs verified Core
#2894 HTTP 400 ys-torrentGrid cookie is too large new major needs verified Web UI
#2897 Start deluge-console with connection to remote daemon new minor needs verified Console UI
#2986 detect already downloaded new minor needs verified Core
#2987 deluge-console help config <setting> new minor needs verified Console UI
#2998 Offer previously defined custom download and upload speed limits new minor needs verified Web UI
#3024 Reuse already transferred segments from other torrents new minor needs verified Core
#3042 Add tags to or mark torrents new minor needs verified Unknown
#3051 Provide download function in deluge-gtk new minor needs verified GTK UI
#3087 enforce HTTPS for new minor needs verified Unknown
#3095 Limiting per peer download speed new trivial needs verified Unknown
#3098 [Feature Request][Queue] Batch re-number selected torrents from current ordering new minor needs verified Unknown
#3099 [Feature Request] Torrent priority new minor needs verified Unknown
#3100 64 bit version new major needs verified Unknown
#3113 add a option to view speed in Mbit/s new minor needs verified Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.