Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 230)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#2018 Ability to save private tracker cookies for future use new Damien Churchill minor Future Web UI
#2053 Use client-side caching for webui new Damien Churchill minor Future Web UI
#2119 Make webui able to immediately process specific magnet links through HTTP GET new Damien Churchill minor Future Web UI
#2152 use HTTP basic token if availlable new Damien Churchill minor Future Web UI
#2176 Directories tree in the add torrent dialog new Damien Churchill minor Future Web UI
#2215 100% CPU utilization more 200+ torrents new Damien Churchill minor performance Core
#2342 Add the ability to drag and drop torrent files into webui new Damien Churchill minor Future Web UI
#1123 Ability to change torrent name shown in the UI assigned John Garland minor 2.x GTK UI
#1165 "Add webseed" option new John Garland minor Future Core
#1327 Add option to New Release notification to ignore Beta or RC versions accepted John Garland trivial 2.x GTK UI
#1906 [Blocklist] Add Multiple List Input Functionality new John Garland minor Future Plugin
#487 status-bar api new mvoncken minor Future Core
#1556 Show torrent labels with console assigned nick minor Future Console UI
#378 Advanced (pieces) progress bar assigned major 2.x Web UI
#1108 Abstract unlimited speed setting new trivial 2.x GTK UI
#1130 IPv6 Interfaces support (daemon,webui,gtk) new minor Future Core
#1206 Add a session upload-only mode new minor 2.x Core
#1212 Pause all torrents & auto resume after timeout new major 2.x Unknown
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog new trivial 2.x GTK UI
#1280 Upload speed when seeding new minor 2.x Core
#1285 An option to trash/delete the .torrent files reopened minor Future GTK UI
#1286 IPv6 Preference Needed new minor not applicable libtorrent
#1329 Color of icon when announce request on tracker failed new minor 2.x GTK UI
#1332 Per tracker ratio (may be a plugin-request) new minor Future GTK UI
#1334 Create proper low-res icons new trivial Future Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.