Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (151 - 175 of 230)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#2958 Ignore torrents until active new trivial Future Core
#3011 Listen to WM_ENDSESSION on Windows new minor Future GTK UI
#3049 msys/mingw deluge install on Windows new trivial Future Packaging
#3134 tracker and peer proxy settings new minor Future libtorrent
#3181 Replace Pywin32 reopened trivial Future Unknown
#3276 System quota support new minor Future Core
#3291 deluge-console exit code always "0" new minor Future Console UI
#3633 allow bypass local addresses for webui authentication new minor Future Web UI
#2743 Convert pygtk to pygi/GTK3 new major 3.0 GTK UI
#3187 [WebUI] Upgrade ExtJS library new major 3.0 Web UI
#53 A delete file entry in the right click menu in Files tab assigned Calum minor 2.x GTK UI
#230 Drag 'n' drop reorder of torrents for download queue new andar minor 2.x GTK UI
#367 Do not store per-torrent settings that are saved in the resume data new andar trivial 2.x Core
#378 Advanced (pieces) progress bar assigned major 2.x Web UI
#676 Add tooltips for torrents in the main frame new andar trivial 2.x GTK UI
#1108 Abstract unlimited speed setting new trivial 2.x GTK UI
#1123 Ability to change torrent name shown in the UI assigned John Garland minor 2.x GTK UI
#1206 Add a session upload-only mode new minor 2.x Core
#1212 Pause all torrents & auto resume after timeout new major 2.x Unknown
#1251 Add Ext.ux.state.DelugeProvider new Damien Churchill minor 2.x Web UI
#1271 Multi-user extension assigned Damien Churchill major 2.x Web UI
#1275 Allow users to have blank/no password reopened Damien Churchill major 2.x Web UI
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog new trivial 2.x GTK UI
#1280 Upload speed when seeding new minor 2.x Core
#1316 Implement file/folder renaming in Web UI assigned Damien Churchill major 2.x Web UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.