Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#3162 Add passwords support for extractor new minor needs verified Unknown
#3172 View Deluge Configuration files new minor not applicable Unknown
#3173 View Deluge Configuration files new minor not applicable Unknown
#3242 Plugin for filtering/searching files inside a torrent new minor needs verified Unknown
#3411 Plugins new minor 2.0.6 Plugin
#3422 Plugin: Auto-skimmer for 'Sample' and 'Screens' folders new minor needs verified Unknown
#3430 Limit storage usage plugin new minor needs verified Plugin
#3446 Seed only when HDD is active new minor needs verified Unknown
#3644 Add "tracker" as an argument for the execute plugin new minor needs verified Plugin
#2079 [Label] Filter by Seed Time new minor Future Unknown
#2139 Support Metalink new minor Future Core
#2158 remove torrent and data based on seed time and ratio new minor Future Plugin
#2299 Auto "force re-check" after download completion reopened minor Future Plugin
#2517 Disk space sorter (for lack of a better name) new minor Future Plugin
#2725 Plugin to automatically find and configure a proxy new minor Future Plugin
#1013 Disk space checker plugin new John Garland trivial Future Plugin
#2181 [AutoAdd] option remove with data at ratio assigned Chase minor Future Plugin
#397 per file, per torrent, and per multiple torrent speedlimits new andar minor Future Plugin
#629 "Find My Downloaded Data" plugin new andar minor Future Plugin
#887 'Move Directory' option when removing a torrent new andar minor Future Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.