Custom Query (91 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 91)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3461 Filenames with unicode not working new bug minor 2.1.1
#3464 connection to the webserver has been lost! new bug minor needs verified
#3466 daemon passwords stored in plain text new bug minor needs verified
#3467 deluge flatpak bug - open download folder not working new bug minor needs verified
#3468 deluge flatpak bug - mouse pointer not changing share for widget resize new bug minor not applicable
#3471 Data Disapears, some reappears new bug minor needs verified
#3483 j and k (vim-style cursor down/up) mappings are upside-down in deluge-console new bug minor 2.1.1
#3487 deluge-gtk starts & crashes new bug minor not applicable
#3496 bulk "force re-check" fails by attempting to run all check simultaneously new bug minor needs verified
#3506 Added sort order wrong after server reboot new bug minor needs verified
#3512 builtins.KeyError: 'disk.num_blocks_cache_hits' log spam new bug minor needs verified
#3513 Telling Deluge to download new flies after downloading part of the torrent flie doesn't have any effects new bug minor needs verified
#3522 Segmentation Fault on Deamon start (Armv71) new bug minor not applicable
#3562 autostart&autostop active torrent only system inactive new feature-request minor needs verified
#3564 deluged is using 100% new bug minor needs verified
#3283 Authentication Failure new bug major needs verified
#3292 Announces with left!=0 for some finished torrents new bug major not applicable
#3294 Tracker status: Invalid Argument new bug major 2.0.6
#3304 Autoadd downloads to the wrong folder new bug major needs verified
#3306 deluge-gtk mem leak new bug major needs verified
#3307 Deluge-gtk crashes upon connection/general protection fault new bug major needs verified
#3326 Unhandled error in deferred handle_alerts new bug major 2.0.6
#3336 Only n<7 torrents ever seed at the same time. new bug major needs verified
#3356 [deluge-console] move command takes over terminal new bug major needs verified
#3378 Unhandled Traceback duing console exection new bug major 2.1.1
1 2 3 4
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