Custom Query (96 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 96)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2484 [Blocklist] Whitelist error when saving and blocklist not initialized new bug minor 2.x
#2706 [Execute] Potential issue when removing torrent with data new bug minor 2.1.1
#2751 pass LABEL on execute plugin assigned Calum feature-request minor Future
#2787 [GTKUI][Connection Manager] Start Daemon Config Option new feature-request minor Future
#2812 Update Stats plugin code new patch minor 2.1.1
#2840 renaming files doesn't check for name collisions within the torrent new bug minor needs verified
#2842 Deluge outputting KeyError: '' new bug minor 2.1.1
#2911 Use less versbose units in UIs new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#2916 Improve Console help dialog new bug minor 2.1.1
#2917 Improve console sidebar display and actions new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#2918 Extra startup options for console new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#2921 Prefs Manager refactor do_config_set_func new feature-request minor 2.x
#2923 create translation files for develop new feature-request minor 2.x
#2935 language new bug minor 2.x
#3025 Torrent progress raises and decreases with specified torrent new bug minor 2.1.1
#3057 Travis test fails to handle existing daemon running on 58900 new bug minor 2.x
#3061 WebAPITestCase.test_add_host failing intermittently on travis new bug minor 2.x
#3069 [AutoAdd] Log spamming new bug minor 2.1.1
#3078 OSX menubar and accelerator keys broken new bug minor 2.x
#3128 Bad charset encoding in "tracker state" field new bug minor 2.x
#3153 Global speed limits ignored new bug minor 2.x
#3191 Some errors in console-UI. new bug minor needs verified
#3192 Wishlist: Please add support for enabling 'announce_to_all_{trackers,tiers}'. new feature-request minor needs verified
#3210 Prefetch magnet in Web UI new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#3213 Unable to partially download torrent new bug minor 2.x
1 2 3 4
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.