Custom Query (96 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 96)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3252 Replace deprecated pkg_resources new bug minor 2.x
#3253 macOS GdkQuartzWindow set timestamp new bug minor 2.x
#3254 Migrate Windows version stamping new feature-request minor 2.x
#3255 Migrate core to libtorrent-1.2 new patch major 2.x
#3259 Create macOS app package (Py3-GTK3) new feature-request major 2.1.1
#3288 Sorting Issues new bug minor needs verified
#3308 New webapi with interactive docs (swagger-ui) new feature-request minor 2.x
#3314 Daemons don't background themselves on Windows. new bug minor needs verified
#3322 All torrents disappear occasionally after restart new bug minor 2.0.6
#3324 Deluge segfaults when starting to receive packets from some torrents new bug critical not applicable
#3343 Fire the TorrentStorageMovedEvent when appropriate new feature-request trivial needs verified
#3365 no tracker/dht connected behind nat linked with >=libtorrent-1.2.4 new bug minor needs verified
#3384 Libtorrent 1.2.x support issue. new bug minor needs verified
#3398 builtins.TypeError: _findCaller() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given new bug minor needs verified
#3406 make combobox_window resizable new feature-request minor needs verified
#3427 builtins.UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 0: invalid continuation byte -- version 2.0.4.dev38+g23a48dd01-2 new bug critical needs verified
#3455 Add support for libtorrent-2 new feature-request major 2.x
#3459 XSS via malicious .torrent file new bug major 2.1.1
#3460 XSS via malicious .torrent file new bug major needs verified
#3465 Non-interactive deluge-console hangs on twisted errors new bug minor 2.1.1
#3493 Remove "six" dependency new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#3500 [UI] Ghost In some columns new bug minor 2.1.1
#3501 GdkPixbuf crash with .ico tracker icons on Windows new bug blocker 2.0.6
#3504 delguge-gtk crash at popup elements in Wayland session new bug minor not applicable
#3507 AddTorrentError not handled in RPCserver new bug minor needs verified
1 2 3 4
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.