Bugs (409 matches)


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Results (376 - 400 of 409)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#2102 [win32] Restoring maximized window from tray is no longer maximized accepted bug minor not applicable GTK UI
#2118 No incoming Connections over SOCKS5 Proxy new bug major not applicable Core
#2126 Display issue in console and gtk with torrent non-ascii chars on FreeBSD new bug minor not applicable Console UI
#2331 "Total active" torrents limit in prefs does not ignore slow or inactive torrents with "Do not count slow torrents" checked new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#2386 [GTK][win32] Empty value fields on Japanese locale new bug minor not applicable GTK UI
#2420 OSX users unable to open magnet links new bug minor not applicable GTK UI
#2438 all torrents for a single tracker give "Error: short read" new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#2443 force recheck corupts data reopened bug major not applicable libtorrent
#2457 Peer connections dropped when seeding new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#2679 Proxy unable to connect after hours of inactivity new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#2714 Windows UI eats mouse events new bug major not applicable GTK UI
#2728 Web seed connections do not honor configured proxy new bug major not applicable Core
#2756 Global upload speed limit broken new bug major not applicable libtorrent
#2776 Un-clickable buttons on Windows GTKUI new bug minor not applicable GTK UI
#2820 Zero-size files in torrents incorrectly handled during rechecks new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#2876 Deluge Crashes randomly new bug critical not applicable Core
#2898 deluged-1.3.13/libtorrent-1.1.0 messes up torrent directory names new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#3045 Increase issue report attachement max size new bug minor not applicable Unknown
#3048 Deluge crashes on large torrent new bug major not applicable libtorrent
#3104 Debian 9 Stretch PPA install new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#3186 Webui not loading new bug minor not applicable Web UI
#3292 Announces with left!=0 for some finished torrents new bug major not applicable libtorrent
#3324 Deluge segfaults when starting to receive packets from some torrents new bug critical not applicable libtorrent
#3407 'Saved Paths' popup crashes deluge on Wayland reopened bug major not applicable GTK UI
#3468 deluge flatpak bug - mouse pointer not changing share for widget resize new bug minor not applicable GTK UI
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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