Bugs (409 matches)


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Results (376 - 400 of 409)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#3366 WebApi.add_torrents(): deferred RPC failure results are not propagated new bug minor needs verified Web UI
#3619 [Web API] Empty response adding a duplicate torrent new bug minor needs verified Web UI
#3061 WebAPITestCase.test_add_host failing intermittently on travis new bug minor 2.x Web UI
#3535 web.conf base configuration not respected. Documented reverse proxy config only works by accidental misconfiguration. new bug major needs verified Web UI
#3092 Web GUI disconnection from daemon during torrent removal new bug major needs verified Unknown
#2728 Web seed connections do not honor configured proxy new bug major not applicable Core
#3594 Web UI can only connect to one daemon at a time but shows both daemon's torrents new bug minor needs verified Web UI
#2710 WebUI console flood: AuthError: Not authenticated new bug major 2.x Web UI
#2170 WebUI generates AttributeError when reconnected to daemon new bug trivial 2.x Web UI
#2042 WebUI incredibly slow with 1500 torrents new bug blocker performance Web UI
#3453 Web UI is freezing on Safari when selecting a torrent new bug minor needs verified Web UI
#3454 Web UI is freezing on Safari when selecting a torrent new bug minor needs verified Unknown
#3635 [WebUI] language not changing when chaning to system default new bug minor 2.1.2 Web UI
#3363 web-ui logs do not show real ip when proxied new bug minor 2.x Unknown
#3186 Webui not loading new bug minor not applicable Web UI
#3617 Webui password is reset when storage containing web.conf is full new bug minor needs verified Unknown
#3216 WebUI plugin error with missing deluge-web new bug trivial 2.x Web UI
#3637 WebUI should not ask for password when it is null new bug minor needs verified Web UI
#2070 Webui spinners not validating user entries new bug minor 2.x Web UI
#1999 WebUI uses 100% CPU loading TorrentInfo for thousands of files new bug minor performance Web UI
#3086 When I try "move storage" after click on magnet link, it not work new bug minor needs verified Core
#1600 When moving a torrent to a sub folder, it starts copying in a loop new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#2350 When re-adding the same torrent, deluge restarts it from zero if you use separate DOWNLOADING and COMPLETED folders new bug minor Future Core
#2341 [win32] Problems installing/enabling plugins with non-ascii username reopened bug minor 2.x GTK UI
#2102 [win32] Restoring maximized window from tray is no longer maximized accepted bug minor not applicable GTK UI
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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