Custom Query (15 matches)


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Resolution: Fixed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#3002 Convert Deluge Plugins to GtkBuilder DjLegolas feature-request trivial develop 7 years
#1380 [Scheduler] web UI Interface damoxc patch minor 1.3.0 14 years
#1382 [Blocklist] Whitelist IPs in the filter list s0undt3ch feature-request minor master 13 years
#2466 [AutoAdd] Error in copy torrent code if inital rename fails patch minor develop 10 years
#2478 [Blocklist] Add WebUI plugin page XxOsurfer3xX feature-request minor 1.3.6 10 years
#2965 Port AutoAdd magnet fixes from 1.3 to develop bug minor develop 7 years
#3083 utf8_encoded missing for backward compatibility bug minor develop 7 years
#3127 Blocklist doesn't load block file bug minor develop 6 years
#1290 [Execute] plug-in should support more events feature-request major other (please specify) 14 years
#2801 [Plugin][AutoAdd] Error adding torrents bug major develop 8 years
#2977 Fix Stats Plugin Errors bug major develop 7 years
#3003 Label plugin adding multiple right-click menu entries bug major develop 7 years
#3122 [Notifications]No text in Preferences' tab list DjLegolas bug critical develop 7 years
#3063 [Plugins] Wont Start or Disable on Windows Cas bug blocker develop 7 years

Resolution: Duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#3215 no plugins bug major develop 5 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.