Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: Fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#638 "Stored in..." Column andar feature-request major 1.0.6 16 years
#640 A LOT of strings in deluge 1.x is not translateable andar bug critical 1.1.9 16 years
#1191 BUG : Keyboad button emulating the right click does not work on the download list. andar bug major 1.1.9 15 years
#995 tracker_icons needs to be rewritten John Garland feature-request minor 1.2.0 16 years
#1152 Don't remove automatically added torrents feature-request minor 1.2.0 15 years
#894 Fails to create torrents including files with german umlauts andar bug major 1.2.0_rc4 16 years
#1154 Display Name (dn) not appearing after adding a magnet link feature-request major 1.2.1 15 years
#1358 Ability to use 8Mb piece size in "Create Torrent" dialog feature-request minor 1.2.3 14 years
#1306 Execute plugin allways executes last event configured in execute.conf defect minor 1.3.0_dev 15 years
#1351 Deluge should emmit file_completed alert to clients feature-request major 1.3.0_dev 14 years

Resolution: Invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1233 bring deluge demon to C language and enable web interface reverse proxying feature-request major 1.2.3 15 years

Resolution: WontFix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1356 Deluge 1.3.0 client can not fetch torrents list from Deluge 1.2.3 daemon. bug major 1.3.0 14 years

Resolution: Duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1219 create torrents from folder with non-ascii name doesn't work bug major 1.2.3 15 years

Resolution: None (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1124 WebUI login not functioning in Opera 10.10 Damien Churchill bug major 1.2.0 15 years
#1125 Name of Country of last two IPs doesn't appear corectly. bug minor 1.2.0 15 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.