Custom Query (17 matches)


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Resolution: Fixed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1048 Option to temporarily suspend all bandwidth activity. andar feature-request trivial 15 years
#1328 Migrate Deluge to Python 3 feature-request minor 15 years
#1949 Users should be able to set rotate-log settings. feature-request major master 13 years
#1974 Core shouldn't have to know about the clients in advance patch minor master 13 years
#2029 Multisort Main columns Visioneer feature-request minor 1.3.3 13 years
#2225 Change common.decode_string to actually decode (return unicode) patch minor master 12 years
#2285 Speed optimizations to sessionproxy patch minor master 12 years
#2326 don't bundle rencode feature-request minor other (please specify) 12 years
#2412 Disable tracker merging for private torrents Calum feature-request minor other (please specify) 11 years
#2416 Auto-start of new torrents gives incorrect status bug minor develop 11 years
#2850 Double log entries in Standalone Mode bug critical develop 9 years
#3169 deluge ppa feature-request minor other (please specify) 7 years
#3208 Ubuntu Deluge Python 3 fails to start bug major develop 6 years
#3211 missing systray icon Calum bug minor develop 6 years

Resolution: Invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#2924 not adding torrent files bug blocker develop 8 years

Resolution: Duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1192 Lack of keyboard shortcuts feature-request major 1.1.9 15 years

Resolution: WorksForMe (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#2934 free disk space bug minor develop 8 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.