Custom Query (57 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 57)

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Resolution: Fixed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1918 [Win32] Drag'n'Drop not working Calum bug critical GTK UI 1.3.3
#1940 Renaming folder issues when using Add Torrent dialog in Windows Calum bug critical Core 1.3.3
#1956 [Win32] Errors: "The parameter is incorrect" and "Reached the end of file" bug critical libtorrent 1.3.3
#1961 Filter for Labels plugin needs 'All' option Damien Churchill bug critical Web UI 1.3.3
#2015 Progress Bar display issue with extjs 3.4 Damien Churchill bug critical Web UI 1.3-stable
#1907 deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit bug major Core 1.3.2
#1967 IndexError in save(): list index out of range Calum bug major Core 1.3.3
#2038 Chrome 17 disconnecting from webui Damien Churchill bug major Web UI 1.3.3
#2044 [Execute] Cannot re-enable plugin bug major Plugin 1.3.3
#1259 add magnet link support to webui Damien Churchill feature-request minor Web UI
#1324 webui interface Calum feature-request minor Web UI 1.3.0_dev
#1494 Add "Downloaded" and "Uploaded" columns to torrent view Calum feature-request minor Web UI 1.3.3
#1554 Stop Seeding on Share Ratio Fails for Partially Selected Torrents bug minor Core 1.3.1
#1893 Error when adding torrent from Firefox bug minor GTK UI 1.3.3
#1895 Torrent info race condition Calum bug minor GTK UI 1.3.3
#1898 Email notifications do not include date/time they were sent bug minor Plugin 1.3.2
#1905 Email Notification: No email sent to second email address. bug minor Plugin 1.3.3
#1912 install fails confusingly if you don't have libtorrent or svn bug minor Packaging 1.3.3
#1915 Unable to stop the status bar from autohiding Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI 1.3.3
#1928 Crash if column header is dragged under fluxbox WM Calum bug minor Core 1.3.2
#1929 Improvements for Calum bug minor Packaging 1.3.3
#1930 Please provide an AUTHOR file with centralized information feature-request minor Packaging 1.3.3
#1934 Unicode Error in 'Add Torrent' Dialog Calum bug minor GTK UI 1.3.3
#1938 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_request' bug minor GTK UI 1.3.1
#1944 use errno constants for portability Calum bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
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