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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2735 Duplicate Blocklist plugin 3rror4o4 3rror4o4

Unable to import blocklist. Pressing "force download and import" makes deluge unresponsive and causes crush. Been using it for a while without a single glitch, until latest 1.3.11 update. This is a very annoying bug. If "import blocklist at startup" is enabled it causes deluge to add torrents paused by default and i'm unable to download afterwards, start downloading button doesn't respond. Using latest stable version of deluge 1.3.11-1; libtorrent:; downloaded from official Manjaro-Linux repository. Operating system: Linux Mangaro #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 01:17:30 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

#398 WorksForMe Windows version crash issue. admin

I may have found out the reason for the crashes in the windows version.At least I think I know.I am not an expert in programming and frankly I hated the subject back when I was studying electronics.But I have noticed that Deluge crashes whenever the download speeds are very high.My connection is 1Mbps so my max download speed would be around 150KBps.I have noticed that it particularly crashes when downloads speeds are 60Kbps and above.I am not sure what to fill in in the ticket properties below but I hope this helps.

#467 Invalid Cannot save session while system (gnome) shutdown performed (while it is running/downloading) admin

I am using Ubuntu Hardy and Deluge When I shutdown the system while deluge is running/downloading I receive an error that deluge cannot save session. I have similar problem with Transmission the default btclient. It losses the data on system shutdown if it is no closed first. I suspect same is the situation with deluge. So can you people add/fix this feature/bug? So it works normally, i.e. save the session and quites normally as it does while exiting from within it? KTorrent does this in KDE, you shutdown the system and it quits calmly with no error and no data loss.

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