Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1947 Duplicate Bug in 1.3.3 always error when downloading xzilvinas

The error appears always in deluge and stops downloading if the torrent haves thees kinds of files:

twiz-betterlife-720p.sub 8.18 MB

twiz-betterlife-720p.mkv 4.36 GB

twiz-betterlife-720p.idx 100.03 kB

twiz-betterlife-720p.nfo 8.69 kB

I think its because .sub and .idx, or maybe just one of them. (these files are in the same root btw) everything is just fine if there are no .sub and .idx in the torrent, and if there are the error appears and stops downloading.

#1956 Fixed [Win32] Errors: "The parameter is incorrect" and "Reached the end of file" xzilvinas

Its bug when your torrent haves big sized files ~4gb. not the size of all files in torrent, but if there is big files like .mkv or .iso in there about ~4gb size the error comes up and download stops, its happens with about 90% of torrents like that.

#188 Fixed [Patch] GCC 4.3 Fix andar

The svn checkout R3156 did not compile with gcc 4.3.

#include <cstring> had to be added to assert.cpp and lazy_bdecode.cpp

After fixing this, I was able to compile deluge without a problem

I have attached the patch file

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