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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1246 Fixed With every restart deluge loses some torrent label's simonbcn

With every restart of deluged daemon, most of my torrents lose the label.
Deluge have 96 torrents now:
The labels associated to one tracker still work (54).
6 torrents still conserve their correct label.
26 torrents lose the label.
Moreover, these torrents are old and new. There isn't a rule that explain this bug.
It was a very bad idea to use the version of deluge in development.

#346 Fixed winxp msi installer sadrul anonymous

The msi installer for WinXP 32 assumes I want to install to drive C, which for me isn't even possible due to a fubar'd OS install, leaving me with drive "F" for my primary...

either an ability to choose the path myself or extract from the msi installer or otherwise download the files in a straight tarball type format (not the source, cygwin and mingw are a pain)

#2229 Invalid win gtkui - speed of other torrents dissappears when changing storage location of big downloaded torrents delbladouze

when changing storage location of big downloaded files (using right click "change storage location"), the speed of other torrents dissappears from the user intertace (but they are still downloading)

deluge 1.3.5 using deluge gtkui connected to deluge daemon on the same computer windows 7 sp1 x64 size of moved files (2*12Go) moving from d:\ to g:\ took 260sec approximatively

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