Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (298 - 300 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#300 Fixed empty torrent file crashes gtk ui andar
  • touch /tmp/test.torrent
  • add /tmp/test.torrent via gtk UI
  • see the gtk UI crash

verified in the latest nightly

#301 Fixed downloading torrents are usually counted as uploading as well by queue plugin andar


I think the queue plugin is not working 100% as expected. I believe that whenever a downloading torrent is also seeding that is counted towards the maximum number of seeding torrents.

Let's say I have set a maximum of 5 active torrents with a max of 3 uploading torrents. Now, when I have 3 downloading torrents, that will usually be the end of it. Most times, the three torrents I download will also be uploading to other peers. They are then taking up the three seed slots.

If there is anything unclear about my description, don't hesitate to ask. I hope it was understandable enough.


#302 Duplicate Systray context menu on windows "empty", needs scrolling. markybob anonymous

When you right click on the Deluge systray icon in Windows (XP), there's an empty menu displayed. You have to point onto the bottom arrow for the actual menu contents to appear/scroll in... (see screenshot)

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