Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (301 - 303 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#598 Fixed deluged does not stop or kill andar anonymous

Description: Deluge daemon does not respond to kill command.

Additional info: deluge 1.0.5 and Arch Linux

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run deluge in daemon mode (classic mode is off under preferences). Start using 'deluged'.
  2. Have about 4 torrents in the queue. 2 torrents actively downloading.
  3. Let the daemon run until the torrents begin downloading.
  4. Run 'killall deluged'.( Even tried 'sudo killall deluged')
  5. deluged won't stop or kill and download continues

[Over time I have noticed mutliple deluged process by running 'top' command, hogging CPU and network]

#599 Fixed auto add torrent in paused state andar anonymous

I'd like to see a setting where one could set torrents automatically added from a watch folder to be paused or unpaused.

This would be particularly useful for torrents coming from RSS feeds that need to be downloaded to specific folders rather than the default folder. Before starting the torrent you could point the torrent to the desired directory and then start the download.

#600 Fixed More columns and the ability to hide them andar negge

I'd like to have more columns in the list, like "Tracker" for example. I should also be able to sort by one column but not show it in the list.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.