Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (307 - 309 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#687 Fixed filename could not display correctly in add-torrent-dialog andar anonymous

I am a chinese user, under 1.0.7, all are ok. But when I update to 1.1 rc2, I find that the filename could not display corrently(chinese chars, maybe cp936 or gbk encoding)

ubuntu 8.10, zh_CN.UTF8, python25

#708 Fixed Change consoleUI's promt color from light grey to something more visible on light terminals andar anonymous

When I start consoleUI in gnome-terminal with white background it's hard to see light grey ">>>" and it looks like it's just froze and nothing happens.

As a variant of solution: chage ">>>"'s color to something more visible on white and black bacground at the same time, something not gray scaled.

#709 ENOSPACE gets reported as "invalid bencoding" tracker problem andar anonymous

I kept getting an error condition on a torrent, the condition being reported as an invalid tracker ("invalid bencoding" etcetc was the Status message). After wasting an hour or so playing with trackers and so forth, I discovered that the problem was just that the partition the torrent is on had filled up.

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