Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (310 - 312 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2345 Duplicate UI layout resetting on startup Tarmia

Alright, so this is how I like to setup my Deluge UI.

But after a restart, it goes back to this.

I know this is very minor but it can be a bit annoying having to set it up to my liking every time I restart the program.

The bug doesn't happen on show/hide.

So the fix would be to make Deluge remember the UI preferences over restart.

I am using Deluge 1.3.6, which is running on Linux Mint 15 Olivia 64-bit.

#1977 WorksForMe UI does not display one particular torrent Vladimir Berezhnoy

It is not displayed in web ui, gtk ui and console ui. It is only visible on cli interface.

on commit 7227c97cacd6c3a7a1cf3d75e8dcd04e0eb71693

I'm attaching the screenshot and console output

#3330 Duplicate Ui crash renato

linux ubuntu 19.10 when calling the ui from the tray icon the ui crashes. starting deluge from command line returns errors. log file attached.

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