Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (310 - 312 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#619 Fixed ETA: infinity is incorrect andar anonymous

When a torrent is at 100%, under the statistics tab it says ETA is infinity. It should say "completed". Just a suggestion for enhancement. Great app!

#620 Fixed Allow creation of new folders in the files tab andar ari-_-e

There should be a way of creating new folders to put stuff in in the files tab. I am aware that renaming a file to "something/" will put it in a new folder, but this is rather awkward and isn't very convenient if you need to put a lot of stuff in a new folder. I guess the new folder wouldn't really be real until something was put into it.

#621 Fixed Disabling Logging mvoncken

Hi Mvoncken,

I have a python script which I am using to attach to the sclient and all is working fine.

I currently have the logging turned off using:

import logging logging.disable(logging.FATAL)

However, I now want to implement my own logging in the script and need to only turn off the deluge do I do this?

I have attempted to do it using either of the below, with no affect:

1) from deluge.log import logging as delugelogging delugelogging.disable(logging.FATAL)

2) from deluge import log log.LOG.disabled = True

Is there any way I can manipulate logging options just for deluge? Will this require some deluge code development? Is it even possible?

Any help will be much appreciated

Thanks, Mark (Kaivalagi)

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