Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (313 - 315 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#723 Fixed "Stop seed at ratio" not applied for labels andar anonymous
  1. Create a label with the "Stop seed at ratio" option set
  2. Apply label to torrent

Expected: Torrent now has "Stop seed at ratio" set

What happens: Nothing

#724 Fixed Allow renaming of torrents andar anonymous

It would be nice if it was possible to change the displayed names of downloading/seeding torrents.

#735 Fixed use keys of "name.utf-8" and "path.utf-8" of metadata andar anonymous

I notice that new deluge 1.1.0 get torrent info from bencode(ui/ deluge 1.07, It is just from librorrent.

In some torrent, if use keys of "name" and "path", only could get a MBCS encoding string, so under Linux, it maybe display wrong(with utf8 local). use keys of "name.utf-8" and "path.utf-8" for a UTF8 string:)

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