Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (316 - 318 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1134 Duplicate Options Tab and Preferences window are conflicting nanomachine

I have noticed that the same options options are in both, but the information is conflicting for at least the "Move Completed". Being able to move the storage is important because I have a 1.5 tn drive shared between Windows and Linux, and Windows cannot see the other two drives in mdadm raid 0 config, nor is there enough space to have all downloads go to this drive.

#1144 Duplicate New Field - Down/Up loaded field in main window. mckidney

There should be field downloaded and uploaded in the main window, not just ratio.

#1192 Duplicate Lack of keyboard shortcuts schumnana

Can you add at least a shortcuts for all actions menu (notably add torrent, preference like quit CTRL+Q) and buttons on top (like add, remove, pause, play, up, down, preference)?

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