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Results (319 - 321 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2856 WontFix error message at startup: 'dict' object has no attribute 'outgoing_ports' archimede

At startup deluge generate the attached error message. After that the daemon start successfully.

Deluge, OS: Arch Linux 4.6.3, Python: 2.7.11

#2855 Fixed Unable to add udp trackers in WebUI archimede

Add trackers does not work from webui.

Deluge: 1.3.12-1 Python: 2.7.11-3 libtorrent-rasterbar: 1:1.1-2 OS: Linux arch Browser: safari from an iPad with OS 9.3.2. I tried also from a Mac laptop.

To reproduce: I select a torrent, click on edit tracker and a window with trackers pop up. Click on the add button, specify the tracker name, click add: the tracker does not get added. For instance I try with: udp://

This is a major problem now that lot of default trackers in magnet link seems to no longer be working.

I think this problem has already been reported in the forum and classified as a bug, but I could not find a ticket for it.

#2854 WontFix Don't re-create the whole config files while updating content Soullivaneuh


My feature request is quite simple. When a config file like hostlist.conf.1.2 is modified via the interface, the file is completly re-created.

I'm trying to sync my configuration onto a private configs repository for each of my desktops.

So I did a symbolic link of hostlist.conf.1.2 onto the repository to be able to register each modification.

But this symbolic link is always removed because of this logic.


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