Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (319 - 321 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3062 Duplicate Can't open preferences Ataraxy

When I select Edit -> Preferences nothing happens in the GUI.

When starting deluge from the command line (Manjaro Linux), I see the following when trying to open Preferences:

Unhandled error in Deferred:

I can connect to the server ok as I see the torrents currently in progress.

$ deluge --version
deluge: 1.3.15
#2817 Duplicate Can't open torrent file that has characters other than English DVN

Can't open torrent file that has characters other than English

Copy any Chinese, Korean or Japanese characters from any website and paste it in the file name. And try double clicking it. Deluge cannot add the files.

#2399 Invalid CANT REGISTER FOR FORUM! Richard Arthur Carr

Hi Guys I cant register for the forum. I don't understand the answer to the confirmation question.

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