Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (322 - 324 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#324 WontFix WebUI hangs if there is not enough space to complete a download mvoncken OriginalP

If there is not enough space on hard disk to complete a download, the web interface hangs when a torrent is started and an error occurs.

#325 Invalid edit tracker oddities andar anonymous

when editing the trackers, if you delete tier 0, tier 1 does not become tier 0 and tier 2 does not become tier 1. also, tiers can have the same number. two of then have 1, or 2, 0.

#326 WontFix Multiple trackers markybob sillyass

If one of the tracker sites is slow it won't consider the other. It just gets stuck on than one forever. If I try to delete some of the trackers and let, for example, only one that I consider fast works perfectly.

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