Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (322 - 324 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#686 Fixed Checking fails completely andar

After being killed ( I don't know what would happen if these torrents needed checking for other reasons ) deluge only checks two of the torrents waiting to be checked and then stops. If I restart it (both ui and deamon) it checks another couple and stops checking again. Otherwise it seems functional. Restarting the gtk ui doesn't work, nor does force recheck or any other idea I had.

#687 Fixed filename could not display correctly in add-torrent-dialog andar anonymous

I am a chinese user, under 1.0.7, all are ok. But when I update to 1.1 rc2, I find that the filename could not display corrently(chinese chars, maybe cp936 or gbk encoding)

ubuntu 8.10, zh_CN.UTF8, python25

#688 Invalid Deluged crash andar

Deluged was crashed while torrent was downloading. Deluge (ui) was not crashed. System debian lenny, server without graphical interface, using web ui. kernel 2.6.26-1-686. String from dmesg: [166812.256784] deluged[4430]: segfault at 471 ip b7621b40 sp b69c9f20 error 4 in[b7372000+42a000]

version deluge-torrent_1.0.99+1.1.0RC-2_i386.lenny.deb (installed from deb packet with this name)

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