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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1250 Error "file too short: " simonbcn

Often, some torrents shows the error "file too short:".
Generally if I force a recheck this is solved.

#1265 Sometimes to change options to individual torrent doesn't work simonbcn

deluged in server + GtkUI remote in local.

Sometimes, generally when Internet connection is slow, I change some option to one torrent (speed, max. ratio, etc...), but if after I select other torrent, that change isn't applied.
In this cases, I must repeat the operation and wait several seconds before change the torrent.

#1318 Deluge forgets some label data simonbcn

I have a label: "anime". The other day I have added several trackers to this label, it saved it well but when I opened Deluge more later the trackers was vanished. The checkbox was checked but in the list of trackers there was the example text, similar to this (I don't remember exactly):

tracker 1
tracker 2

I writed the tracker list again and so far, it hasn't been deleted.

But now I have vanished the download folder for this label!!!

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