Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 2447)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#67 Fixed upnp doesn't work markybob

upnp still does not seem to be working.

I'm using version with Vista Home Premium.

upnp works fine with utorrent for example.

#72 Fixed GUI doesn't update markybob anonymous

The GUI sometimes doesn't update (neither the detailed information nor the torrent list refreshes.) If deluge is minimized and maximized, or hidden and unhidden, then the UI updates. The detailed information updates if tabs are clicked (ex. to update "Details" click the "Peers" or "Files" tab and then click "Details" again.)

#73 Fixed Multiple watch folders andar gregorovius

Hi. First of all, great work on 0.6, it's looking nice so far. I'd like to add a request, maybe for core, maybe for a plugin: I'd like to have multiple watch folders, like rTorrent has.

For example, I can set 3 watch folders ~/torrents/movies; ~/torrents/games; ~/torrents/tv

so when I drop a .torrent in each of them, it starts the download in a different directory. In this case, something like ~/downloads/movies; ~/downloads/games; ~/downloads/tv


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