Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 2447)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2110 Fixed Accept magnet uris with xt anywhere in link, not just at start kiall

It would be better to search the URI for the presence of "xt=urn:btih:", rather than assuming that will be the first value.

Eg this is a perfectly valid magnet link that the web UI rejects:

#557 Duplicate Action After Download Complete or Action After Seeding Complete andar anonymous

It would be really handy to have a "Action After Completion" dialog for torrents similar to Filezilla.

Personally I would use this feature to "run a command" of either wget or mail

  • wget so I can send a http request to my XBMC that states "X Torrent Complete"
  • mail so that I can send a text message to my phone when a torrent is complete

To make this request more torrent friendly having the option of "After Download Complete" AND "After Seeding Complete" be there. Would not want to run a shutdown command without seeding my fair share first. ;-)

#558 Duplicate Action After Download Complete or Action After Seeding Complete andar anonymous

It would be really handy to have a "Action After Completion" dialog for torrents similar to Filezilla.

Personally I would use this feature to "run a command" of either wget or mail

  • wget so I can send a http request to my XBMC that states "X Torrent Complete"
  • mail so that I can send a text message to my phone when a torrent is complete

To make this request more torrent friendly having the option of "After Download Complete" AND "After Seeding Complete" be there. Would not want to run a shutdown command without seeding my fair share first. ;-)

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