Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (331 - 333 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2355 Fixed Twisted 13.1 incompatible? Dan

Just upgraded to the latest Twisted (13.1) and downloading blocklists now hangs. I looked at the output, and there is a Traceback in some twisted files; I don't have the output anymore as I downgraded for functionality, but I remember at the end:

'module' object has no method _parse

To make matters worse, this causes everything else in Deluge to freeze, torrents appear paused, and I can't close the process without killing it.

Using Arch Linux 32-bit, Deluge 1.3.6, upgraded from Twisted 13.0 to 13.1

#963 Fixed trunk blocklist plugin is broken John Garland

In trunk the blocklist plugin doesnt do any blocking. I checked and know for sure. Please fix it.

#377 Fixed True classic mode, no separate daemon process andar andar

Classic mode currently works by just starting a deluged process. I would like to change this to create a deluge.core.core object instead and use a wrapper in ui.client to pretend it's connecting to a regular daemon. This should improve performance for users who prefer not to take advantage of the daemon/ui split. This will likely depend on the SignalReceiver removal #365

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