Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (331 - 333 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#111 Fixed Can't set destination folder markybob anonymous

Course of events:

  • Started downloading a few torrents - no problem.
  • Decided to create a folder to store downloads from now on, created 'Deluge Stuff' on desktop
  • Went into preferences and set this as the destination folder. Closed preferences.
  • Open preferences again - sometimes setting will display properly, sometimes will display just 'Desktop'

(Even more confusingly, some torrents then default to downloading to the home directory).

#2048 WontFix Can't set file priorities on seeding torrents phil

My debug log only shows this:

[DEBUG   ] 18:47:39 torrent:305 setting 95a9c0418d00a02a7c9b5a886be36c0e3c4c4a3a's file priorities: (0, 0)
[WARNING ] 18:47:39 torrent:321 File priorities were not set for this torrent

This worked before I upgraded to 1.3.4 so a recent commit should be responsible for this.

#755 Fixed Can't set listen_ports through console UI Calum
>>> config
 * listen_ports: [6881, 6891]

This suggests the following to work, which it doesn't.

>>> config -s listen_ports [10000, 10010]
 * malformed expression ([)

Trying a tuple instead of a list is also a no-go.

>>> config -s listen_ports (10000, 10000)
 * Configuration value provided has incorrect type.

Neither does leaving the comma and/or parentheses off.

>>> config -s listen_ports 10000, 10010
 * bogus data after expression
>>> config -s listen_ports 10000 10010
 * bogus data after expression
>>> config -s listen_ports (10000 10010)
 * Configuration value provided has incorrect type.
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