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Results (334 - 336 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2838 Fixed missing ! in ui/console/ line 59 Bro haryjustwantstofileabug

root/deluge/ui/console/ line 59

 "Moving": "{!green,black,bold}"

is missing the final !, it should be:

    "Moving": "{!green,black,bold!}"

this fix will stop the console from pukeing warnings every time a torrent finishes and gets moved

#2837 Fixed WebUI gettext created in at build time DjLegolas Calum

Constantly keeping gettext.js updated is not ideal and it serves no purpose being in the git repo. Two things are need to

  • The gettext.js file should be created in, either as part of Translation build or WebUI build. This would require the to be added to manifest or code included in
  • WebUI code needs to handle a missing gettext.js file.
#2836 Invalid webui returns blank page when used with --base Matt

This is in reference to closed ticket

I am running latest develop branch which includes the commits to fix this issue.

When configured as such (using --base or setting base in web.conf) I get nothing but a blank page when browsing to the web site.

I've tested the site in IE, FF, Chrome, and Edge, all have the same issue.

I can privately provide a URL which is publicly accessible for verification.

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