Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (340 - 342 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#342 Fixed Drag n drop functionality andar loki

When a torrent file is dragged into the main window it should add the torrent to Deluge.

#343 Fixed Display Blocklist status in the WebUi as in the gtkui. mvoncken silverdulcet

Can you add the Blocklist status display to the bottom bar of the WebUi the same as in the gtkui? Its nice for those that run deluge headless to see the status of it.

#344 Fixed additional functions of plugin "Torrent Creator" andar waltherbans

The plugin "Torrent Creator" is not rewritten for v1.0.0 yet, so I have some idea's to make it better:

It should remember trackers added. Maybe it's possible to organize default trackers in plugin's preferences?
It should not only be possible to add the created torrent to the "waiting list" (don't know the english term for it because i use a - very well - translated version) automatically (why else would i create a torrent?) but it should also remember the file's or folder's path.

Right now the plugin doesn't fit in Ubuntu 8.04 (see attachment) and it doesn't remember its size if I fit it.

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