Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (343 - 345 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#345 WorksForMe slow torrent list markybob anonymous

I discovered that deluge saves persistent.state on each sorting action in torrent list. Thus when I move torrent up or down in list with 300+ items it freeze interface on some seconds. So if I want move torrent 10 lines down it takes too many time.

#346 Fixed winxp msi installer sadrul anonymous

The msi installer for WinXP 32 assumes I want to install to drive C, which for me isn't even possible due to a fubar'd OS install, leaving me with drive "F" for my primary...

either an ability to choose the path myself or extract from the msi installer or otherwise download the files in a straight tarball type format (not the source, cygwin and mingw are a pain)

#347 WorksForMe Torrent autoload ticks overlap markybob

This bug does not happen unless Deluge is under stress, but when it is, it shows two dialogs to add every new torrent. You can't click the focused one, you must move that window and cancel/ok the second dialog under it. If "ok" is pressed for both, deluge seg faults. If any other combination is pressed, the torrent is not added at all.

I also want to add I use another machine for all my torrents, and I have around 25 torrents downloading/seeding at any given time. It is also a slow machine any the ui repaints seem to be very slow. Maybe the painting/autoloading is on the same thread? Just an idea.

ps Deluge fucking owns! <3

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