Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (349 - 351 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#687 Fixed filename could not display correctly in add-torrent-dialog andar anonymous

I am a chinese user, under 1.0.7, all are ok. But when I update to 1.1 rc2, I find that the filename could not display corrently(chinese chars, maybe cp936 or gbk encoding)

ubuntu 8.10, zh_CN.UTF8, python25

#690 Fixed Renaming folders do not delete olds Calum axet

With already loaded torrent try to rename root folder.

#691 Fixed WebUI - Resume/Pause buttons don't work if previously "Pause All" via hard client mvoncken

I was using Deluge (Windows).. latest version for the first time. I added a torrent, started it.. and used the "Pause All" torrents feature in the systray.. Then I began trying to use my WebUI to Resume All.. I tried all the templates but it refused to resume. I then resumed via the hard client... THEN I could Pause/Resume via the WebUI.... Seems if it's already paused, the WebUI was confused??

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