Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (349 - 351 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2717 Invalid change file priority with deluge-console.exe jono

I am I an idiot or is console client a bit crap on Windows.

#3610 Fixed 'Change Ownership' option gone from GTK-UI. mhertz

I narrowed issue down to commit #bcaaeac, specifically last change of, breaking this i.e.:

-            item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem(group=maingroup, label=username)
+            item = Gtk.RadioMenuItem.new_with_label(maingroup, username)

So reverting that, makes the menu/context-menu entries return for said option, which otherwise got hidden from called error-callback function. Strange as looks in line with documentation, but obviously no expert myself.

Issue reported on forum by darcmandeluge here:

Thanks in advance!

#863 WontFix Change "Pause All" to "Stop" andar praveenmarkandu

I am requesting a small UI change to make things a bit more clear when using deluge.

When right-clicking the deluge tray icon, instead of "Pause All" and "Resume All" it should be "Stop Deluge" and "Start Deluge". Also to make it clearer what status deluge is in, it should either be "Stop Deluge" or "Start Deluge" depending what mode deluge is in.

For aesthetic reasons, the stop button should be a red square obviously.

I've been using deluge since it came out. Thanks for a great client.

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