Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (352 - 354 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2520 Fixed Change queue description for seeding Calum Max

Difference between "Share Ratio Limit" and "Stop seeding when share ratio reaches" isn't obvious. Adding a tooltip or changing the wording would be advisable.

#1551 WorksForMe Changes made in webui preferences not saved to core.conf Vorg

Running thin client on debian x64 testing. Tried debian package, and git stable and master.

Using firefox on windows 7 computer to access deluge running on linux computer. Only change made in preferences window that seems to get recorded is changing the password. Setting, paths, up/download speeds, limits, etc.. are not written to core.conf. On closing the firefox tab, changes are lost.

#1182 Fixed Change speed not work Preferences->Bandwidth Damien Churchill lk29


change Maximum upload or download speed and nothing

os: winxp Opera 10.50, FireFox 3.6 git on 150310 05:00

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Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.