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Results (355 - 357 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2811 Invalid creates plugin with bug haydent

per this investigation here:

If i follow the guide here: and create the plugin template, the compiled plugin runs fine on first activation but on program relaunch deluge fails with this error log attached.

Im running classic mode under windows 7, i have tried compiling under linux or windows with same result.

I can get it to not make the error by setting up and plugin dir structure the way another plugin i found does, as it does not have this problem.

I have attached screenshot of difference between with working one on right and problem one on left. The code for these can be found at the forum post above.

#2809 WontFix [Mac OS X] Support Ctrl-click to do right-click Viktor Sergiienko

Otherwise it's impossible to call a context menu from a touchpad (without a mouse).

#2808 Fixed Deluge Log File Not Working as Intended Doadin

On a python 2.7 build writeing logs to a file doesnt work properly. if you set rotatiing logs it works fine however normal loging (filemode w?) the log is cleared every time it writes a new line. So instead of having a clear fresh log every time you open deluge what you have it just one line staying something about shuting down (or w.e. the last message is). What seems to be happening is it opens the file clears it writes the message closes then repeats every message.

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