Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (355 - 357 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#735 Fixed use keys of "name.utf-8" and "path.utf-8" of metadata andar anonymous

I notice that new deluge 1.1.0 get torrent info from bencode(ui/ deluge 1.07, It is just from librorrent.

In some torrent, if use keys of "name" and "path", only could get a MBCS encoding string, so under Linux, it maybe display wrong(with utf8 local). use keys of "name.utf-8" and "path.utf-8" for a UTF8 string:)

#736 Invalid Deluged can't stop when I use 'quit & shutdown daemon' from tray menu andar anonymous

Please, fix.

#737 WontFix torrent in paused state should not create any folders andar axet

Paused state need to rename folders and prepare hard drive or similar job. In my opinion paused state should do all job in memory/torrent file and do not try to have any active tasks.

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