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Results (358 - 360 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1113 Fixed [PATCH] Don't move storage if while downloading storage was moved already to somewhere else Ideal

Suppose default download dir ~/dl/incomplete, "move completed" dir ~/dl/.

Sometimes while downloading torrent i can move storage by hand from ~/dl/incomplete to for example ~/movies/. So with current way of how it works - even if i already moved myself storage where i need it to deluge will anyway once again move it from ~/movies/ to "move completed" dir anyway.

This patch adds check so move storage on download completion is done only when download dir of torrent equals to default download dir, in other words - it checks so i didn't move storage myself already where i need it.

#1114 Fixed "Check active port" doesn't work Zenigata

Hi, with previous version of Deluge (for example 1.1.9) if I press "Check active port" under preferences, I have a green or a red output (depending if the port is open on the router or not).

In 1.2.0_rc5 nothing happens if I press that button.

#1115 Fixed error in console's debug command when not given "on" or "off" argument cdep_illabout

It's a really small error. I'll attach a patch, taken from trunk/

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